Powahay District 2024 Klondike Derby


Hosted by Troop 11 Stamford
January 19-21, 2024
Hoyt Scout Reservation

Registration at https://mycouncil.ctyankee.org/Event/1146
$20.00 Youth/Adult Fee
Fee includes patch, Hoyt fees, Council Admin fees, awards, and program expenses.
Campsites are selected through the online registration.



Senior Patrol Leader and Scoutmaster Zoom Planning Meeting
Sunday, January 7, 2024, at 4 PM. Link will be emailed

SCHEDULE (as of 12/14/2023)
Friday, Jan 19, 2024

  • 4 PM Camp Opens
  • 4 PM to 8:30 PM Troop Check-in at the Ranger Station

Saturday, Jan 20, 2024

  • 7 AM to 9 AM Arriving Troop Check-in at the Ranger station
  • 9 AM SPL, Patrol Leaders and Station Managers Meeting at Jackson Pavilion.
  • 9:30 AM Opening Ceremony
  • 10 AM to 12 PM – 4 Stations *
  • 12 PM to 1:30 PM – Lunch
  • 1:30 PM to 3 PM – 3 Stations *
  • 3 PM to 3:30 PM Score sheets Due
  • 3:30 PM to 4 PM Sled Race
  • 4:30 PM Closing Ceremony
  • 5 PM Klondike Ends. Troops are on their own camping and providing their own Saturday evening program

Sunday, Jan 21, 2024

  • 10:00 AM Departure—Safe trip home

The Klondike is being organized as a day event for Saturday and will take place at the lower part of Hoyt. Camping one or two nights is optional and under troop leadership.

The Opening Ceremony will be at the field in front of the Jackson Pavilion Saturday morning at 9:30 AM. The Klondike will officially end with a closing and awards ceremony at 4:30 pm on Saturday. Troops camping Saturday night will provide their own evening program.

The Klondike Derby will start with optional camping on Friday. Troops may arrive and set up any time after 4 PM. Troops arriving Saturday should be prepared for the opening ceremony at 9:30 AM. Troops can camp one night, two nights or just come for the day.

Exciting events are being organized by Troop 11, offering patrol competition stations. If you are interested in sponsoring or managing a station, please contact Troop 11.

Troop Responsibilities:

  • To make sure their Scouts are prepared for cold weather activities
    and/or camping for one to two nights.
  • If a District activity goes ahead under potential travel advisory conditions, Unit Leadership is responsible to determine if driving conditions are safe for their Unit and if their Scouts are prepared to meet the challenges of the pending weather. If a Troop has any concerns, please stay home and be safe.
  • Troops should carry Part A and B of the Annual Health and Medical Form and a permission form for each scout signed by a parent or legal guardian.
  • Troops camping should have one adult certified in First Aid/CPR.





View Schedule, Map and More Information Here!