Welcome to the Council Advancement Center! Advancement is at the core of the Scouting experience. The Scouting program is designed for young men and women to progress at their own pace through experiential learning- learning by doing with the goal of personal growth.

Council Advancement Committee:

Council Advancement Chair Charles Blanchette uncas297@att.net
District Advancement Chairs
     Aquila District Robert Areklett acm.llc@hotmail.com
     Quinnipiac District Don Kaletsky

Stan Malinowski



     Saugatuck District Lawrence Ratner lawrence@theratnerfamily.com
Distinguished Conservation Award Advisers
Chester Wickett cwickett@optonline.net
Evan Atkins atkins.evan23@gmail.com
Staff Adviser Mark Kennedy mark.kennedy@scouting.org

Cub Scout Advancement Resources (Updated 06/04/2024)

Cub Scout Rank Requirements

Boy Scout Advancement Resources

Guide to Advancement: The definitive book from BSA about Advancement

Connecticut Yankee Council’s “Scouting in the Trades” program.