Date: Saturday, June 10, 2023
Time: First race is at 9:30am — please see schedule below and arrive for check-in 30 minutes before your race
Place: Bethel Fire Department, 36 South St, Bethel, CT
Please park & enter at the rear of the building, we are racing upstairs.
Yes, it’s that time again – time for the Scatacook District Pinewood Derby! All Cub Scout Packs in the Scatacook District are invited to send their fastest cars to compete in this Race-for-the-title event.
Who may enter:
  • Scouts who have won 1st , 2nd, or 3rd place of their RANK within their Pack’s 2023 Pinewood Derby (i.e. the fastest 3 Lion scouts, the fastest 3 Tiger Scouts, etc.). If your Pack’s race also hasoverall champions outside of the ranks, they are also eligible to race. Webelos 1+2 may both race; they will be combined at the District Derby.
  • Scouts who have won a “Best Design”  type of prize at their Pack’s 2023 Pinewood Derby are also eligible to compete!
  • If your Pack did not conduct a race this year, please ask your Cubmaster to contact Mr. Barnabo at chris@spagnet.com and join us for the race.
  • Scouts should race at the rank they held when their Pack race was conducted – i.e. if they have since ranked up (or even moved up to a Troop) they should race at their PREVIOUS rank.

Race Schedule:

9:30am Webelos

10:15am Bears

11:00am Wolves

11:45am Lions & Tigers

12:15pm District Finals

Racers should arrive ½ hour before their scheduled race time for weigh-in and registration

The Winner’s Circle:

Top three racers of each rank

Best judged design of each rank

Top three racers in the District Finals round

No advance registration is required
A $5 donation for each racer to cover race costs is suggested when you weigh-in

Official car eligibility rules and any last-minute updates may be found online at: scatacookdistrictderby.com