APRIL 5, 2025
Two Sessions Offered:
Morning, Registration Starting at 7:45 AM, Program 8AM-noon (Lunch from 11:15 – 12:00 pm)
Afternoon, Registration Starting at 12:15PM, Program 12:30-4:30 pm (Lunch 12:15 – 1:00 pm)
Welcome Spring at Deer Lake by participating in the annual Fishing Derby.
$30 registration includes fishing with a two trout limit, an event patch, and lunch.
Only youth (under 18 yrs. of age) are eligible for derby prizes.
Scouts must be accompanied by an adult. Attendees not fishing may register for lunch for $10 each.
There is a FREE “Learn to Fish” program (sign up when you register for the Derby).
Youth registered for the Learn to Fish program may borrow fishing gear for their session.
Feel free to bring your own bait or purchase some from our bait shop at the event.
Camping reservations must be made separately, at an additional charge through Pathfinders. Complete your event registration first, then call 203-421-4040 to check on site availability and to make a campsite reservation. Registration limited to 250 participants per session.
Registration deadline is April 1, 2025. The event is held rain, snow or sun. No refunds.
Questions: contact Mike Migliore, 732-259-4207, mmigliorexc@gmail.com
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