We’re hosting our annual FOS Kick-Off Breakfast on February 26 at the Trumbull Marriot beginning at 8:30 a.m. with a breakfast and fellowship to kick off the new year, and we’ll have you out by 11:30 a.m.
We know the unit FOS presentations are the least attended portion of our meetings, so let’s join and just say no to FOS Unit presentations. If you can’t make the FOS Kick-Off Breakfast or would like to give another time, you can give all year- but the Kick-Off Breakfast jump starts our Council for the year.
There’s no ticket price to attend! We’re Table Hosting again this year! Cost of breakfast? It’s up to you! With a $250 minimum
What is a Table Host?
Table host is responsible for filling table(s) of ten with donors who will make gift of $250 or more.
Who can be a Table Host?
Anyone or entity! A person, a family a unit, troop a company!
Table Host Tools!
This year we’re inaugurating Table Host tools through a new, easy-to-use online tool. Stay tuned for more details soon!