Powahay News February Edition

Powahay News is a volunteer publication published monthly except during the summer. Celebrating our 15th Year, we welcome stories and photos from our units. We do not publish the last names of youth without parent permission. The deadline for our next publication is Feb. 20. Send to info@powahay.com Read all about it… This month edition:…

SoundWaters – Beach Clean up -Service Hours – 2021

SoundWaters – Beach Clean up -Service Hours – 2021 Earn Service Hours & Conservation Hours & help Clean-up our environment.  Scouts should check with their Scoutmasters first and then See the SOUNDWATERS website for details & SIGN UP.     BE PREPARED & live the Outdoor Code URL:  https://soundwaters.org/get-involved/volunteer/coastal-cleanups/ BE PREPARED:   Please follow ALL COVID Safety…

Powahay District & The Maritime Aquarium Presents Webelos – Adventures in Science

Webelos – Adventures in Science Jellies and Corals — A Virtual Program February 27, 2021 from 10:00-11:30am  Cost: $8.00/Scout. Limited to 40 participants.  Registrations due by February 19 or if we reach 40 participants (whichever comes first). Registrations open on Feb. 4, 2021. This event is open to all districts. https://mycouncil.ctyankee.org/Event/732 Visit the Maritime Aquarium…

Zoom Meeting Tips

Tips for Zoom Meetings and Preventing Zoom Fatigue (Please share your best practices by sending to info@powahay.com. Drawing by Bill Janocha T11 ASM, Commissioner, and Beatle Bailey Cartoonist) Zoom fatigue has become the go-to term for video conferencing. Scouts may be online most of the day with school and other activities and we need to…

Powahay Yearbook Update

The Year 2020 will be a historical year with the Covid-19 Pandemic. Powahay District is presenting a 2020 Yearbook to be published by the end of the year.  This was originally planned as part of Powahay’s 40th Anniversary Celebration but now takes on a historical keepsake for our Scouting community. We invite your unit to…

Powahay Awards Celebration

You are cordially invited to a special celebration to recognize outstanding Scouters for the District Award of Merit, Key Three Award, the Pioneer Award, and the Wiliam Boyce New Unit Award..   Sunday, September 27, 2020 1 PM – Gathering (bring your own lunch) 1:30 PM – Program 2:30 – Cupcake Reception Hoyt Scout Reservation…

Hoyt Adventure Weekend- 2020

Plan a Hoyt Adventure Weekend* & Earn the Patch Due to COVID-19 current guidelines, we are unable to reschedule the spring Cub-O-Ree and Webelos WOW. However, Hoyt is open for day adventures and overnight Cub Scout Family Camping. It is much safer and easier to manage COVID-19 Guidelines at the unit level than larger group…