NEW – Connecticut Yankee Council
Webelos College
Nov 11, 2023
Easton Country Day School — 660 Morehouse Rd, Easton, CT 06612
Presenting the Yo-Yo Adventure
Free Duncan Yo-Yo for Registrations received by November 1, 2023 (or 200 paid registrations — whichever comes first).
Fees include 2 to 4 Webelos Pins, lunch, a patch, Webelos College diploma, John Higby Yo-Yo Guy Special Entertainment, school and program fees.
$30.00 Morning or Afternoon Periods Includes 2 Webelos Pins Selections. Lunch and all above included.
$45.00 Both Morning and Afternoon Periods. Includes up to 4 Webelos Pins. Lunch and all above included.
Join us for a action-packed day of earning adventure pins, special programs, and lunch. We are also celebrating Veterans Day with a “Salute to Veterans” at the opening ceremonies.
Offering 9 Webelos Pins with morning and afternoon sessions and lunch. Webelos can select 2 Adventure Pins in either the morning or afternoon sessions. Click on the listed pins below for requirements.
- Art Explosion
- Aware and Care
- First Responder
- Build A Better World
- Earth Rocks
- Engineer
- Game Design
- Sportsmanship
- Preview Adventure Protect Yourself Rule
- YoYo Preview Adventure
THE YO-YO GUY IS COMING! To preview the YO-YO Adventure Pin. We are bringing in Yo-Yo entertainer John Higby during the lunch period. John holds the world yo-yo champion title and 4 Guinness World Records. The Yo-Yo Guy is an interactive performance with yo-yos, a unicycle, and a giant yo-yo that John walks on!
Questions and/or to join our Webelos College emails contact John Hanks at
For scheduling and more information please download the PARENTS/LEADER GUIDE