2019-20 District “Drop-in” Hikes. Introduce your Pack’s Scouts and families to some of the best hiking trails and nature preserves (and outdoor programs) in and around our District!
2019-20 Drop-In Hike Schedule
All hikes start at 3pm EST | No registration required | No charge to attend
Note: Optional Programs may require payment of a small fee to participate

Last years hike at the New Canaan Nature Center
Saturday, November 9, 2019 – Devil’s Den Preserve, Weston
Optional: Wildlife in Crisis Presentation
Saturday, December 14, 2019 – Audubon Greenwich, Greenwich
Optional: Christmas Bird Count Program
Saturday, January 11, 2020 – Earthplace, Westport
Optional: Scout Program
Saturday, April 25, 2020 – Colhoun Meadow, New Canaan
Chief Ponus Monument and Colhoun Hike
All of the District “Drop-in Hikes” are self-directed hikes. Participants (families, Dens and Packs) need to ensure that a sufficient number of trained Adult Leaders are there to lead and supervise your group.